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Cryoablation for the Promotion of Local Tumor Infiltration in Patients With Mesothelioma

Published: June 26, 2020

Primary Outcome Measures

  1. Local tumor infiltration by cytotoxic cluster of differentiation 8 positive (CD8+) cells [ Time Frame: After cryoablation of mesothelioma up to 1 year ]
    Will be tested by cryoablating a small region of tumor at the time of pleural biopsy.
  2. Preponderance of T cells in ablated tumor tissue in comparison to non-cryoablated tissue [ Time Frame: Up to 1 year ]
    Subsequent fluorescence activated cell sorting for cluster of differentiation 4 positive (CD4+) and CD8+ markers will be performed to identify sub-populations of lymphocytes. The counts will be compared using a one-way paired t-test (two samples from each patient; ablated and non-ablated). The isolated cells will be frozen for potential subsequent use (if the hypothesis for the study is true then subsequent profiling of the cells will be performed, such whole exome sequencing (ribonucleic acid-sequencing) and metabolomic profiling).

Inclusion Criteria

  • Adults that have been identified at tumor board with high suspicion for mesothelioma and are anticipated to be surgical candidates, as determined/discussed at Mesothelioma Tumor Board

Exclusion Criteria

  • Patients that have a questionable diagnosis of mesothelioma (i.e. there are other potentially more likely considerations in the differential diagnosis) or in patients that would not be expected to be good surgical candidates


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