Mesothelioma Support
Deciding on Treatment
There are a number of resources available to individuals who need to make decisions about and cope with treatment for cancers such as lung cancer or mesothelioma. You can also read descriptions on this site about many of the treatment options recommended to mesothelioma patients.
- Making Treatment Decisions
- Read about everything from choosing treatment facilities and health professionals to a guide to cancer drugs.
- Deciding on Treatment
- This is an online message board through the American Cancer Society.
- Preparing for Treatment
- A collection of information from the American Cancer Society including information on making treatment decisions, treatment topics and resources, information on building a support network and how to begin your treatment journey.
- Tools to Monitor Treatment
- The American Cancer Society offers a number of online facilities to make it easier to track your appointments, side effects, issues to speak to your doctor about, milestones and tasks.