Advancement in mesothelioma treatments over the past decade has been relativity stagnant, according to Targovax – a Norwegian immune-cology company dedicated to the study and research of immunotherapy treatments. However, those suffering from mesothelioma have hope, as continuing phases of clinical trials are showing positive results; the latest being ONCOS-12,[…]
Latest Immunotherapy Treatments
Immunotherapy May Help Extend the Lives of Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma Patients
Immunotherapy is revolutionizing the health care industry by adding extra years of life to people with lung cancer. A few years ago it was rare for patients with an advanced stage of this disease to live past two years but today it has become more common to do so. Immunotherapy[…]
Immunotherapy Treatment Durvalumab Enters Phase II Clinical Trial
While there is no cure for mesothelioma, those who are able to withstand surgery in general may have a better chance of survival, as the cancer is being physically removed. However, mesothelioma is a difficult cancer and often surgery is not an option, and the cancer is unresectable. The success[…]
Biomarker CD47 as a Successful Diagnostic and Treatment Tool
Survival rates for diffuse mesothelioma are notoriously low with the median survival ranging between 12 to 22 months. A contributing factor to treatment being ineffective is that the disease if often in the advanced stages by the time it is noticed and diagnosed. Early detection may be a key factor[…]
Clinical Trial Investigates Multimodality Treatment for Pleural and Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Researchers at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center are collaborating with Pfizer to study the effects of immunotherapy treatment Avelumab when combined with stereotactic body radiation therapy, or SBRT, for those suffering from mesothelioma. SBRT treatments use a device called a linear accelerator that delivers precise and intense doses of[…]