Latest Immunotherapy Treatments

CAR T-Cell Therapy Could Soon be used on Mesothelioma Patients

An immunotherapy treatment that utilizes T cells to fight cancer may soon be covered by Medicare for mesothelioma patients. Immunotherapy is still an emerging set of cancer treatments that utilizes the patient’s own immune system to fight and kill cancer cells. The specific treatment that uses T cells is called[…]

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Opdivo and MTG201 Together Could Potentially Treat Mesothelioma

Typical cancer treatments are hard on the body and are not always effective. When treating someone for cancer, chemotherapy is typically used, which kills cancer cells or stops them from growing or spreading. Chemotherapy can also kill healthy cells, which makes it hard on the body. Immunotherapy is another option,[…]

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Dendritic Cell Therapy Could be used to Treat Mesothelioma

Immunotherapy is a blossoming field that is becoming more advanced. Instead of other treatments that kill healthy cells in addition to killing cancerous cells, immunotherapy uses the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells, leaving healthy non-cancerous cells intact. It is a better treatment because it is very effective, more[…]

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Phase I Clinical Trial Yields Positive Results In Latest Immunotherapy Treatment

The immune system is the body’s first line of defense when fighting off any illness, attacking foreign organisms or other substances that may harm or threaten the over health of the body. When the immune system is compromised, the body is unable to fight infections and becomes weak as the[…]

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Less than Half of Cancer Patients Eligible for Immunotherapy Treatments

In late 2017, the FDA approved Keytruda (pembrolizumab) as an immunotherapy treatment for cancer.  It’s typically used to treat inoperable metastatic non-small cell lung cancer and melanoma but it has also been approved by the FDA to treat any unresectable or metastatic solid tumor, such as those found in mesothelioma.[…]

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Targeted Immunotherapy Warrants More Research for Those Suffering from Pleural Mesothelioma

Late last month, the Clinical Respiratory Journal released their findings on the efficacy of intrapleural immunotherapy, which is a highly targeted approach of receiving immunotherapy treatment for those suffering from mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer caused only by asbestos exposure. Since asbestos is the only known cause, mesothelioma is sometimes[…]

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New Clinical Trial Underway for Immunotherapy Treatment; CA-170

A new immunotherapy treatment that has recently been administered to a patient suffering from mesothelioma has researchers and scientists optimistic that if results are positive, this treatment could be more effective than Keytruda, the immunotherapy treatment that has had major success in non-small cell lung cancer  The name of the[…]

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Potential Breakthrough in Immunotherapy after Nivolumab Study Results

Immunotherapy treatments have once again made headlines, revolutionizing modern medicine and the way we have come to understand cancer treatment. The latest study results published in the American Journal of Case Reports, focuses on Opdivo (nivolumab), a type of check point inhibitor designed to stop immune cells from attacking the[…]

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Immunotherapy – What Side Effects Can You Expect?

As the success of immunotherapy treatments in improving survival and symptom management for cancer patients have started to become known, those suffering from cancer such as mesothelioma and lung cancer may now be given options in terms of the best course of treatment. Immunotherapy works with the body’s own natural[…]

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ONCOS-102 Update: Mesothelioma Patients Responded after Phase II Clinical Trial

Advancement in mesothelioma treatments over the past decade has been relativity stagnant, according to Targovax  – a Norwegian immune-cology company dedicated to the study and research of immunotherapy treatments. However, those suffering from mesothelioma have hope, as continuing phases of clinical trials are showing positive results; the latest being ONCOS-12,[…]

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