The importance of finding a mesothelioma specialist
Because mesothelioma is statistically rare, initial diagnosis is typically delivered by a doctor, usually local to the patient, who has never seen a case of asbestos-related cancer in person, let alone guided a treatment regimen. Many doctors' remedial knowledge of mesothelioma often translates to a patient's hopelessness unnecessarily.
One patient recalled being told there was "nothing to be done" for him. "The doctor who diagnosed me told me 'go home and get your affairs in order,'" the patient later recalled.
Those statistics, however, translate into a significant number of mesothelioma diagnoses, some 3000 in the US, each year. Mesothelioma is regularly treated by a number of specialized physicians throughout the US. An oncologist, surgeon, or other medical professional experienced in treating malignant mesothelioma can help broaden your knowledge of treatment options, ensuring you know that's exactly what you have: options.
A specialist will not only have more first-hand experience in treating mesothelioma patients, in every area from diagnosis to staging to treatment, but also more awareness of recent developments, ongoing clinical trials, and newly released studies. Many mesothelioma specialists can coordinate with your local oncologist and/or primary care physician so you can receive treatment locally or more conveniently to where you live.
While getting a second opinion on involved treatments and surgeries is usually recommended for other injuries and diseases, it is crucial after a mesothelioma diagnosis. Locate a mesothelioma specialist and make an appointment today.