Primary Outcome Measures
- Identify maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and evaluate the toxicities of LMB-100 administered by 90-minute normothermic, intrapleural perfusion in participants with mesothelin-positive MPM, or MPE from cancers that express mesothelin [ Time Frame: 21 days ]
List of adverse event frequency, type, and grade Safety data based on toxicity grades and types of toxicity will be reported by dose level during dose escalation.
Secondary Outcome Measures
- Determine 2 year progression free survival (PFS), and 3 year overall survival of participants following intrapleural LMB-100 perfusion [ Time Frame: at initial perfusion, every 3 months (+/- 2 weeks), to time of documented clinical recurrence and/or death ]
Cytoreductive surgery until time of documented clinical recurrence (radiographically or pathologically) Progression free survival (PFS): 2 year PFS probability will be calculated from the on-study date through 2 years after initiation of study therapy using the Kaplan-Meier method. Overall Survival (OS): 3 year OS probability from the on-study date through 3 years after initiation of study therapy
- Identify pharmacokinetics of LMB-100 administered by 90-minute normothermic, intrapleural perfusion [ Time Frame: Pre-dose, completion of perfusion, and 1, 3, 24 hours after start of perfusion ]
Pharmacokinetic accumulation of free and total plasma concentrations of LMB-100 will be measured using validated ligand-binding assays analyzed in the blood (plasma)and pulmonary lavage at protocol time points. Analyses will be performed retrospectively in batched samples or at the end of the trial.
Inclusion Criteria
- Histologically confirmed by the Laboratory of Pathology (LP), CCR, NCI mesothelinpositive malignancy metastatic to the pleura that is potentially amenable to cytoreductive surgery (R0-R2) and subsequent intrapleural perfusion.
- Participants with biphasic MPM must have a < 50% sarcomatoid component.
- Participants with MPE from extra-thoracic disease may be eligible provided these sites are controlled and are less threatening than the pleural involvement LENT score >=2 .
- Participants with stage IV cancers affecting the pleura with MPE must have received firstline standard of care systemic treatment for their malignancies.
- MPM participants must not have received any local or systemic therapy for their disease.
- All acute toxic effects of any prior radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or surgical procedure must have resolved to Grade <= 1 except hemoglobin (Hgb) <= Grade 2, alopecia (any grade), and <= Grade 2 peripheral neuropathy.
- Age >18 years.
- ECOG performance status of < 2.
- Participants must have adequate pulmonary reserve evidenced by post-operative predicted FEV1 and adjusted DLCO >= 40% predicted.
- Room air oxygen saturation >= 90%; otherwise pCO2 <= 45 and pO2 >= 60 on room air arterial blood gas (ABG).
- Adequate organ and marrow function as defined below:
- leukocytes >=3,000/mcL
- absolute neutrophil count >=1,500/mcL (without transfusion or cytokine support)
- absolute lymphocyte count > 800/mcL
- platelets >=100,000/mcL
- Hgb >=9 g/ dL (with transfusion if necessary, within 1 week prior to treatment)
- serum albumin >= 2.0 mg/dL
- AST/ALT <= 2.5 X institutional ULN
- creatinine clearance (eGFR) >=50 mL/min/1.73 m^2 by Cockcroft-Gault formula
- INR <= 1.5 x ULN
- TSH, T3 and T4 within normal limits (WNL) per institutional criteria
- random serum cortisol within normal limits (WNL) per institutional criteria
- total bilirubin < 1.5 X institutional ULN (excluding Gilbert s Syndrome)
- Participants with a history of brain metastases except those with meningeal carcinomatosis or leptomeningeal disease may be eligible for treatment a minimum of 1 week following completion of gamma knife or whole-brain radiotherapy, or 4 weeks
following surgical resection of brain metastases provided post-treatment MRI scan reveals no evidence of active disease and no ongoing need for systemic steroids.
- Women of child-bearing potential and men must agree to use adequate contraception (hormonal or barrier method of birth control; abstinence) at the study entry, for the duration of study treatment and up to 4 months (women) or 2 months (men) after the last dose of the study drug.
- Breastfeeding participants must be willing to discontinue breastfeeding from study enrollment through two months after the LMB-100 perfusion.
- HBV-infected participants must be on antivirals and have HBV DNA <100 IU/mL. HCV-infected participants can be enrolled if HCV RNA level is undetectable.
- The ability of the participant to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent.
- Participants must be enrolled into protocol 06C0014 “Prospective Evaluation of Genetic and Epigenetic Alterations in Patients with Thoracic Malignancies”.
- Participants must provide acceptable archival tumor samples or have at least 1 focus of disease that is amenable to tumor biopsy if necessary for confirmation of histology, and assessment of mesothelin expression.
Exclusion Criteria
- Active smokers.
- Participants receiving systemic steroids other than physiologic replacement doses or inhaled corticosteroids (<= 20 mg of dexamethasone a day [or equivalent]) for <= 7 consecutive days prior to treatment initiation).
- Treatment with chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, radiation, or surgery to an index lesion within three weeks prior to commencing protocol therapy, excluding minor surgical procedures (i.e. VATS/thoracentesis/PleurX catheter placement to palliate
- Treatment with another investigational agent within four weeks prior to commencing protocol therapy.
- History of allergic reactions attributed to compounds of chemical or biologic composition similar to LMB-100 or SS1P including pseudomonas endotoxin.
- Clinically significant cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease as follows: cerebral vascular accident/stroke (within 6 months prior to treatment initiation) or myocardial infarction (within 6 months prior to treatment initiation) unless revascularized, unstable angina, congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association Classification Class >= II), serious cardiac arrhythmia, abnormal ejection fraction (echocardiogram [ECHO]) <= 40%, clinically significant bleeding or clinically significant pulmonary embolism.
- History of pneumonitis (idiopathic or drug-induced) unless cleared by pulmonary consultants.
- Receipt of any organ transplantation, including allogeneic stem-cell transplantation, except transplants that do not require immunosuppression (e.g., corneal transplant, hair transplant).
- HIV-infected participants. Participants on stable doses of antiretroviral therapy whose HIV RNA is below level of quantification are eligible.
- Active COVID-19 infection.
- Active infections requiring systemic therapy.
- An additional malignancy that is progressing or requires active treatment.
- Pregnancy
- Uncontrolled intercurrent illness or psychiatric illness/social situations that would limit compliance with study requirements.