Pulmonary Interstitial Lymphography in Early Stage Lung Cancer
Published: August 26, 2010
Primary Outcome Measures:
- – Feasibility and safety of identification of primary nodal drainage for purpose of radiation therapy targeting [ Time Frame: 15 months ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
Secondary Outcome Measures:
- – Feasibility of incorporating primary nodal drainage into radiation therapy planning process [ Time Frame: 15 months ] [ Designated as safety issue: No ]
- Inclusion Criteria:
- Either
- Established primary lung cancer/ cancer metastatic to lung, OR
- Lesion suspicious for malignancy in lung, according to the following criteria:
- Histopathologically confirmed lung cancer or cancer metastatic to lung, OR
- Plan for biopsy of suspicious lung mass based on imaging (growth on serial CT scan or nodule/mass with focal hypermetabolism on FDG-PET scan), OR
- Known metastatic cancer, with metastases to the lung based on imaging
- Age > 18 years old
- Eastern Clinical Oncology Group performance status 0, 1 or 2 (Appendix IV)
- No prior surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation for the current lung tumor
- Both men and women and members of all races and ethnic groups are eligible for this trial.
- Exclusion Criteria:
- Prior radiotherapy to thorax
- Allergy to iodine
- Contraindication to receiving radiotherapy, unless undergoing surgery
- Women who are pregnant