With over 200,000 new cases diagnosed each year, lung cancer is the most common and the leading cause of death from cancer in both men and women in the United States. The American Cancer Society projects over 140,000 people will die from lung cancer in 2019 and the majority of[…]
Cancer Monthly
World Cancer Day – Cancers Caused by Asbestos Exposure
Monday, February 4, 2019, was World Cancer Day and around the world, communities held seminars, festivals, and walks to promote and raise awareness about an illness that affects millions of people each year. During World Cancer Day, communities educate people about cancer risks, signs and symptoms, and available treatments and[…]
Funding Needed for Lung Cancer Awareness and Research – How You Can Help
For a cancer than claims more lives than breast, colon, and prostate cancer combined, Lung Cancer is severely underfunded, leaving scientists and researchers reliant on private funding and donations. Funding for lung cancer, as with many other cancers, plays a critical role in developing and investigating research that could eventually[…]
Dealing With a Mesothelioma Diagnosis
A mesothelioma diagnosis is devastating for those suffering with the disease and family members alike. The nature of the illness is aggressive, and there is currently no cure. The quality of life for a mesothelioma patient can decrease significantly and quickly as the cancer spreads throughout the body. One of[…]
Grapes and leukemia treatment may help mesothelioma
Several research articles recently published detail new and innovative drug solutions to fight mesothelioma. Scientists from around the world continue to develop potential solutions with Korea releasing their findings tied to a leukemia treatment and red wine. Published in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the study found clofarabine, a drug typically[…]
Threat of mesothelioma a lifetime fear
Developing mesothelioma after asbestos exposure is a known occurrence, yet little research is conducted to evaluate the risk period after first exposure. Scientists in Italy and Australia studied more than 20,000 people exposed to asbestos and more than 800 patients diagnosed with mesothelioma to determine the long-term risks. Based on[…]
Alimta remains best treatment for victims of malignant pleural mesothelioma
For those with inoperable malignant pleural mesothelioma, Alimta (permetrexed) combined with cisplatin remains the top treatment. Japanese researchers recently analyzed the results of 30 patients taking either Gemzar or the Alimta combination and compared complications, disease control and survival rates. Thirty mesothelioma cases were examined featuring 13 patients taking Gemzar[…]
Research shows both mesothelioma surgeries produce results
A recent study by United Kingdom researchers discovered when considering the mesothelioma surgery options, there is no clear choice. Cancer centers and mesothelioma doctors often disagree about which procedure to offer between extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) and pleurectomy/decotication (P/D). The surgeries attempt to either remove and cure the patient or relieve[…]