From the blog

Mesothelioma Early Detection by VOCs (MED-VOC)

This is a two phase study, The first phase (phase 1) will identify potential biomarkers among asbestos exposed individuals with pleural mesothelioma. The second phase (phase 2), is a double blinded case-matched controlled study to determine the predictive capability, sensitivity, and specificity of these biomarkers in detecting early stage pleural mesothelioma. Biomarkers in the form of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in exhaled breath samples from subjects with either pleural mesothelioma or pleural plaques, will be evaluated. A biomarker present in serum will also be concurrently evaluated in the same cohort. The soluble serum biomarker mesothelin related peptides (SMRP), which has been posited as a biomarker for mesothelioma, will be analyzed for its relationship to the breath VOC profile.

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First FDA Approved Mesothelioma Treatment in 15 Years to be Used Soon

A new cancer treatment using electricity has been approved for use in mesothelioma patients. The NovoTTF-100L uses Tumor Treating Fields, which are electric signals tuned to a specific frequency, to disrupt cancerous cell division. The fields are applied to the patient with adhesive bandages and are used for at least[…]

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Looking Back on Mesothelioma Awareness Day

Mesothelioma is a very rare and preventable cancer and because of this, many people do not know it exists or what causes it. Mesothelioma Awareness Day helps solve this by making people aware of the disease. Workers and families whose lives have been destroyed by the devastating effects of the[…]

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A Feasibility Study Evaluating Surgery for Mesothelioma After Radiation Therapy Using Extensive Pleural Resection (SMARTER)

Primary Outcome Measures Maximum Tolerated Dose for Background Radiation [ Time Frame: Up to five years ]AEs will be graded by CTCAE. Maximum tolerated dose is the dose level that do not result in fatal lung injury (grade 5 lung toxicity) or life-threatening or fatal treatment related toxicity (grade 4+). Secondary Outcome Measures Patient[…]

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CAR T-Cell Therapy Could Soon be used on Mesothelioma Patients

An immunotherapy treatment that utilizes T cells to fight cancer may soon be covered by Medicare for mesothelioma patients. Immunotherapy is still an emerging set of cancer treatments that utilizes the patient’s own immune system to fight and kill cancer cells. The specific treatment that uses T cells is called[…]

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A Clinical Study of Anetumab Ravtansine in Adults With Solid Tumors Who Have Been Treated in Previous Bayer-sponsored Anetumab Ravtansine Studies

The purpose of this study is to enable patients with solid tumors, who received anetumab ravtansine in a Bayer-sponsored clinical trial, to continue treatment after their respective study has been closed. The patients will be observed to collect information on how safe and efficient the drug is.

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MicroRNA Could be used to Quickly Diagnose Mesothelioma

Biomarkers are measureable substances that indicate if someone has a disease. Doctors and researchers are able to find different substances within a person’s body and deduce that the person has a specific type of cancer. Researchers have found a relatively new biomarker called microRNA, which could possibly be used to[…]

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Anti-Mesothelin Immunotoxin LMB-100 Followed by Pembrolizumab in Malignant Mesothelioma

Treatment outcomes for people with pleural or peritoneal mesothelioma are often poor. The drug LMB-100 can attack and kill cancer cells. The drug pembrolizumab helps the immune system fight cancer. Together, these drugs might help people with these cancers.

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Proton Therapy Could Help Patients with Mesothelioma

Radiation therapy, which uses intense energy beams to kill cancer cells, is a very common treatment for cancer. There are different types of radiation, but the most common type is X-rays. Radiation is also useful for preventing cancer from returning, or stopping or slowing its growth. The radiation breaks up[…]

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