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November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Published: November 24, 2015

Twenty years ago, Lung Cancer Awareness Month began as a day to increase public consciousness around the most deadly cancer in the United States. As the movement continued to grow, one day expanded to a month of people coming together in communities around the world to spread information about lung cancer through events, social media, articles, proclamations and more.

Last year, lung cancer killed almost 160,000 Americans. It is typically found in patients aged 65 and older, affecting 1 in 13 men and 1 in 16 women. While smoking and secondhand smoke are often assumed to be the cause, there is another factor accounting for many deaths.

Exposure to certain chemicals can increase the likelihood of developing lung cancer. One such substance, asbestos, is responsible for the deaths of approximately 15,000 people each year due to a number of diseases, including asbestos-related lung cancer. After learning a patient smoked, a doctor may dismiss other possible causes and assume it was the carcinogens in cigarettes that led to the disease.

Estimates show up to 8,500 of all U.S. lung cancer cases are caused by asbestos exposure. The synergistic effect caused by asbestos and smoking leads to a 50 to 90 fold increase of developing lung cancer, creating less than favorable odds for workers who smoked and were employed in mills and plants before asbestos regulations began.

The stigma surrounding lung cancer causes it to be labeled as a ‘smoker’s disease,’ but the reality is much more complex. Because many stop looking for a cause after a smoking history, it is nearly impossible to determine exactly how many lung cancer cases are caused by asbestos exposure, but the truth remains. Asbestos is a carcinogen that continues to kill through many illnesses, including lung cancer and mesothelioma.

When spreading the word about lung cancer, it’s important to share all the details and causes associated. If you or someone you loved was diagnosed with lung cancer and has a possible history of asbestos exposure, please contact us immediately.

[This post originally appeared on]


  • Formuzis, “New estimate finds asbestos kills 12,000 to 15,000 Americans a year,” Asbestos Nation (May 13, 2015). [Link]
  • Lung Cancer Alliance, “Lung Cancer Awareness Month,” (2015). [Link]
  • Watson, “Which cancers are the deadliest?” WebMD (2015). [Link]
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